Friday, February 18, 2011

2011: Day 49 of 365

A Tale of Two Bots.

Emerson loves his bot.  He has slept with him everyday for the past year.  When they were selling them we decided that we should get a new one in case he lost his Bot.  The other night I couldn't find Bot so I pulled out the new bot.  I handed him it and within seconds, he threw it and said "That's not my bot.  That one is too fluffy."  I had to convince him to sleep with a new friend that night.  The next morning he woke up and went to visit with Grandma.  A minute later he came running in my room hugging Bot and yelling "I found Bot.  I found Bot.  He's my best friend." 

He has grown to like the new bot too.  He has name the new bot Fluffy, and Bot is now nicknamed Roughy.

(Roughy is on the Left and Fluffy is on the Right)

1 comment:

Natalie Putnam said...

That is so funny that he knows the difference. I actually have a few bots at my house also :)